
Modulo 1

Internet, a tool for your family

In this module we will deal with the positive use of internet, a tool which is already present in our everyday lives. It has gained an important place in our family lives, since it is very difficult to avoid its influence.

Ever more parents with children in their teens (although they themselves have grown up without any contact to new technologies), decide to use the opportunities offered by the internet. Children tend to hold an advantage over their parents, since they are starting to use the net earlier and earlier in age. Therefore it is very important that parents know the state of the art technology to be able to guide they children with it.

This not only means that parents should acquire knowledge on how to use the internet, but also to find out about the interests of the younger generations while surfing on the net. It is very common for parents and children to live parallel lives on the internet and to ignore the meaning it has for the other.

The aim of this module is thus to explore the possibilities offered by the internet for the whole family, while stressing the importance of the guiding role of the parent in promoting the positive use of the internet.


Did you know...

  • Average time spent surfing on the internet by a Spanish user is 2 hours a day. 1
  • The Spanish are spending less time watching the TV, listening to the radio or reading the newspapers, while on the other hand they spend 22% more time on the internet. 2
  • In Spain alone, there are 12 million Facebook users. The fact is that 5 of the most visited pages are social network pages. 3
  • Kids become internet users very early in life. 1 in 3 children between the ages of 9 and 10 uses the internet daily. In the group of 15 to 16-year-olds it rises up to 77%. If we look into the social networks, it turns out that 29% (average of the countries participating in the study) have a public profile. The same study shows that Spanish children are the ones that lie the most when accessing the social network pages: 27% of children younger than 13 register in pages that deny access to youngsters. 4
  • In the USA only, 64 million smart phone users access social network pages or blogs with the smart phones. That points to a 77% increase compared to previous years. 5

According to the data in the study “Navegantes en la Red 2012”, done by the Association for the Investigation of the Mass Media.

According to the data in a study done by MediaScope in 2008.

According to a study about social networks carried out by the company 101 and updated in 2011

According to the study EU Kids Online by the European Commission (Carried out between 2009 and 2011 in 21 EU countries).

According to data gathered by ComScore in December 2011.


To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of the internet use in a family environment.

To promote the evaluating the regulator´s role of the parent regarding their child´s internet use.

To understand the importance of social networks in the modern societies and the need to teach our children to use them in a responsible manner.

To think about situations in which communication and family support can contribute to a responsible internet use.

User´s profile

This module can be done by parents who wish to reflect upon their educational role regarding the internet use by family members. There is no age or gender limit, you only need to show interest in seizing the innumerous opportunities offered by the internet, while recognizing the risks it conveys.