
Family and Sport

In this module we propose actions for the positive involvement of parents in the sport practice of theirsons and daughters.

"I must not push my son to win, I have to support him to enjoy and learn"

School sport represents a developmental scenario for children and adolescents. However, in spite of this educational potential, in the last years the number of violent events in the school sport has increased. Therefore, it is necessary to eradicate these outbreaks, recovering sports values such as respect, solidarity and fair play. It is fundamental for this achivement the involvement of families and schools or sporting clubs.

Our proposal:

The purpose of this module is to offer a resource that is of interest not only for the parents of athletes but also for coaches as well as for sporting clubs, since they are all part of the sport community.

The module consists of 5 sessions, in which the following topics are addressed:

Session 1: "A sport for every child". With the objective of offering information to parents about a variety of sports and the values and behavior that can be learned and applied in sport practice.

Session 2: "Sport, a training for life". With the aim of reflecting with parents on how sport practice stimulates the achievement of greater personal well-being.

Session 3: "Support of fathers and mothers to the sport practice of their children". To know what are the reasons that as parents lead us to start our child in the sport.

Session 4: "Parents and technicians: members of the same". With the aim of knowing the needs of parents and sports coaches in order to better understand their respective points of view.

Session 5: "We build a sport community". To encourage parents to recognize their fundamental role as models of respectful coexistence and good climate in the sport community.


Did you know...

  • In a study carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in 2015 to 12,000 people aged 15 and over, it was observed that 87% of people between 15 and 19 years of age practiced a sport.
  • That 68.2% of the respondents started playing sports before the age of 14.
  • With regard to participants who had children under the age of 18, 41.6% had a sports practice with them, 42.2% usually accompanied them to training and 35.2% to their competitions.
  • The Council of Ministers of the European Committee drafted the "Sports Code of Ethics" in 1992, which highlighted the responsibility of all players involved for the development of fair play, respect and understanding of sportsmanship.

Survey of sports habits in Spain, 2015 (

Code of sport ethics (


Promote awareness among the protagonists of the sports community: schoolchildren, families, coaches, and sporting clubs about the importance of a positive involvement of fathers and mothers in the practice of sport for their sons and daughters.

To facilitate the recognition by parents of the educational potential of sport in the development of sons and daughters through the reinforcement of values in the personal sphere (effort, discipline, tolerance to frustration and delay of rewards), as well as social values (solidarity, respect, sense of belonging to the team and commitment).

Fomentar el encuentro y colaboración entre las familias y las escuelas o clubes deportivos en la realización de actividades conjuntas y la promoción de una verdadera participación de las familias, ya que unos y otros deben ser copartícipes en la educación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes.

Encourage the meeting and collaboration between families and schools or sporting clubs in carrying out joint activities and promoting the true participation of families, as both must be partners in the education of children and adolescents.

User profile

The module is aimed at all agents involved in sports, whether parents, coaches, trainers, sporting clubs, to jointly build a sport culture that promotes values such as respect, solidarity and fair play.